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Writer's pictureCassandra Diamantis

'Funding Founders' Vol 1 - equity crowdfunding news in Australia

'Funding Founders' is OnMarket's founder newsletter that focuses on the equity crowdfunding space. This resource was created:

  • For founders who are interested in raising: To educate founders on equity crowdfunding and provide them with insightful resources and tips from founders who have raised, as well as experts operating in the space.

  • For founders who have raised: To keep founders who have previously raised up to date on the equity crowdfunding space, as well as provide them with access to OnMarket's latest content and resources.

'Funding Founders' follows a simple structure, noting the sections will differ in significance based on the reader.

  1. Education Piece: On a trending topic in the equity crowdfunding space.

  2. Alumni Feature: Tips from founders who have successfully raised capital via equity crowdfunding.

  3. Partner Feature: Advice and learnings from an OnMarket partner who operates in the equity crowdfunding space and works with founders who are raising capital.

  4. OnMarket's Top Tips: Solution-based resources that have been created in response to reoccurring questions.

  5. Upcoming: Whether it be a competition or a networking event, we will include upcoming events for the quarter to keep you informed.

We hope you find this resource helpful in achieving your short-term and long-term goals. Please note, you are welcome to share 'Funding Founders' if you believe it will assist others.


If you have any questions on the content included in the newsletter, or feedback on the content you'd like to see in the next edition, please email

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